Leebrick Farms Sprayers

In a way the sprayer is the backbone of a no-till operation. We currently have two sprayers. They are Patriot sprayers. One is a Wide Track and the other is a 150. Both of them are equipped with auto-steer and boom section controls.

In the above picture we are in the process of fertilizing. On our dryland ground we normally use liquid nitrogen in the fall and spring. We use the portable cone bottom tanks to store fertilizer that is shipped to us by the semi-load. We use the semi for moving the sprayers and for trasnferring any fertilzer that is remaining in a set of cone bottoms when we change fields.

We also use the semi and trailer for carrying water, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides when we're spraying instead of fertilizing. As you can see in the two pictures we also have two semi tractors. Depending on maintenance and grain hauling requirements either one may be attached to the spray trailer or the grain trailer at any given time.